22 okt. 2009

Asvedin twentytwo

Haha, it's been a looong time since last time, I know. The U.S. trip was just AWESOME! I had such a great time, I got to go to camp at Inspiration Point, meet a lot of new amazing people, play with neece and nephews, go to youth group in church, waterski... So many good things! But best of all - I got to know God even better, I'm so thankful to him that I got to go, and to all things he's done in my life.

I'm back in school, in Ostersund. My classmates are great, and so are my teachers. A couple of days ago I got to know that I'll get some money I've applied for, so that I can live in Ostersund and don't have to go all the way from home every day. It takes one and a half hour to go, one way... So, thank you Jesus! I'll move in with a good friend in the end of next week. We're so blessed to share a whole house, not one room like many others do. I'll post some pics of the house later, it's so nice!


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